Nova Secção: Os porquês?

Porque surgiram as anedotas sobre loiras? Eis a resposta:

Blonde: Today I was like, “I don’t wanna, like, really sound stupid when I do this show today.” So I learned a little education on sharks. So I look up sharks on the Internet and I’m, like, “WHALE SHARKS… so that must be when a whale and a shark have sex.’ Then I think “Well, how does a whale and a shark have sex?” And then I looked it up…

Host: Was there a video of it?

Blonde: No, but there’s a thing called whale sharks, so I thought they must, you know … And then I realized that whales are mammals and sharks are animals, so they have nothing to do with each other…

Ian Ziering: You ever see a tiger shark?

Blonde: [undeterred] … so, basically, the dolphins have sex with each other, but the sharks don’t, so I thought, “Then how is it such a thing?” But the difference is the whale shark is the biggest shark in the ocean, but it’s also scary, and then you have the Great White and it’s all … there’s like 400 types of sharks. But the whale shark is kinda interesting because … [mumbles]

from: Dlisted


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